The third class on “Conversation with the leader” was held on Monday, June 13, from 5:45 p.m. in Room J11 on the Hiyoshi Campus.
The guest speaker was Mr. Keisei Sasaki, President of e-solutions, a “business producer” that aims to solve social issues through business, and Visiting Senior Researcher at KGRI.
He spoke about the decarbonized society and industrialization, a very valuable topic that has been explained to politicians and bureaucrats who are at the forefront of command.
In the subsequent dialogue with Professor Tamura and students, students asked various questions related to Project Based Learning (PBL), which they are currently working on in the “Leadership Basics” course, and he carefully answered their questions.
In the series of talks, we learned that in order to make a story convincing, “facts” need to be presented.
He also spoke about the importance of the three perspectives; Policy, Technology, and Business in achieving a de-carbonized society.
【Student’s Voice】
Through the usual lectures and group work, I have always felt that communication is an important aspect of leadership, and listening to Mr. Sasaki’s talk this time reaffirmed the importance of this.Mr. Sasaki’s leadership discussions were very persuasive given he was the man behind “Cool Biz,” which is now well known to everyone.
At the end of his speech, he gave us a strong message, “I hope you will continue to work hard with your eyes strong,” which made me want to further brush up my own abilities.
(Fourth-year student, Department of Law, Faculty of Law)