Today’s lecture flow
▼Professors Tamura and Mr. Sugita – Coaching methodology (“listening skills” as one of the basic leadership skills)
Learning of the students – Extracts from the reflection sheets submitted after the lectures
● Third-year student in the Department of Law, Faculty of Law
I was able to learn about coaching in depth through this lecture. The most memorable part of the lecture was how coaching should be.I have a habit of speaking with a strong sense of empathy when I talk to others.I have also assumed that this would be good for the other party.For this reason, I often nod strongly or affirm what the other person is saying.However, from a coaching perspective, I realized this was not necessarily beneficial to the other person.
The most important thing is to ask questions that are ‘painful’ for the other person, and to have a long period of silence afterwards.I felt he was right.When I was coached on “what I want to fix” and asked “painful” questions, I felt that I could find answers that had been lying in my mind.Therefore, I felt that it is important to observe others well and listen to their words so that I can ask such “painful” questions to my clients as well, and I would like to acquire this ability.
● Third-year student, Faculty of Economics
There were two experiences that left a lasting impression on me after participating in this lecture.
The first was the session in which the participants were asked to talk about what they were most interested in for one minute, only to be ignored and then asked to nod their heads for the next three minutes.When I was ignored the first time, even though I knew it was done intentionally, I still felt negative, wondering why they did not listen to me even though I was talking with such enthusiasm, and thinking that they should have responded at least a little.On the other hand, when they nodded their heads for the next three minutes, I was able to talk with a positive attitude, thinking, “Now let’s talk about that new topic,” or “What topic would make them smile and nod their heads more?”I realized how important “listening” is, something we do in our daily lives.
The second was a pair work on the “ideal working life”At first, I felt hopeless, thinking that I had nothing to say because I had just started my job search.However, I was able to talk a lot because my partner asked me a variety of questions.I was able to learn firsthand that the skill of “questioning” as well as listening is very important.