Leadership Basic Course – Class 7

On Monday, May 23, the seventh “Leadership Basic Course” was held. Continuing from the previous class, the theme of this class was “Dialogue Skills”.

After a lecture by Professor Tamura, students each read a case about the SDGs in a company and had a group discussion.

Among the various solutions and countermeasures, the students were able to learn through the SPICE Approach (*) on what kind of “dialogue” should companies apply when making decisions.

Using what was taught in the lecture, it is important to apply this discussion process in the actual stakeholder analysis.
“Diffusion” that respects each other’s opinions and gives as many options as possible; and “Convergence”, which selects the most convincing option from them.

In the next session, we plan to study “negotiation skills,” which are closely related to “dialogue skills”.

Also, in Project Based Learning (PBL).
Mr. Sugita gave us advice on how we should tackle future group work on the interim reports submitted by each group last Friday (May 20).

During the group work, it was impressive to see them eagerly asking questions to the teachers and TAs with full-time jobs for improvement. Report will continue to brush up further for the final report in the next week and beyond.

(*) For more information on the SPICE approach, please refer to Jiro Tamura = Koji Sumida, “An Encouragement of ‘Dialogue’ for Leadership Development” (Tokyo Shoseki, 2021).”