Special Lecture on Negotiation Studies for 2023
Continuing from last year, a special lecture was held inviting graduates of the Bunmei Juku.TA Koyama, who has been participating as a TA this year as well, was in charge of everything from planning and management to facilitator on the day of the lecture, making it possible for the second time to be realized.We would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere gratitude to him.
・Takahiro Fushimi, Founder, ICHI Commons Co., Ltd.
・Akira Koyama, Fukuzawa Yukichi Memorial Civilization School 4th term
・Hiroko Ozawa, U.S. Certified Public Accountant
・Eri Sugai, Phographer; Director,Asia Pacific Lacrosse Union
・Takafumi Inoue (KUROFUNE Design Holdings Co., Ltd./International Student Dormitory U Share)
・Ippei Nirasawa, Certified Public Accountant

Part 1: Panel discussion by four members of the Keio FBJ Roadrunners Leadership Team (Inoue / Sugai / Nirasawa, /Fushimi)
At the beginning of the session, each of them introduced themselves and talked about what they were working on during their school days and their current careers after graduation.During the discussion time that followed, the students asked a wide range of questions about how they view their careers, the concept of WILL that they are learning in negotiation studies, and how they prepare themselves to manage people.Each of these was carefully answered by the panelists, and it was a time to share valuable and thought-provoking insights from a variety of perspectives.

Part 2: Subject: “Global Leadership 2050 – Misconceptions of Global Human Resources and Tips for Shortcuts”
Mr. Inoue took the stage and asked the question, “What is a global human resource?”In response to this question, students answered as people who have a deep understanding of their own country in order to understand people from other countries, and people who are tolerant and respectful of others’ differences. He pointed out that when confronting ambiguous questions, it is important to first consider how to ask the question and define “global human resources”.
He then supplemented the term “global human resources” with the term “globally competent” human resources. In order to become such human resources, he suggested the following: 1) to become a minority (when you are immersed in diversity, you realize the importance of respecting others’ opinions), 2) to make onigiri instead of makunouchi bento (makunouchi bento is master planning, onigiri is strategic planning), and (3) To have your own standards of life (it is important to think about your own standards of happiness while you are still a student, not those given to you by society). He concluded with the message to increase the number of variables that can be multiplied.
U Share Nishi-Waseda, the international student dormitory run by Mr. Inoue, is currently accepting students for the fall semester of 2023.In addition to students from the university, a diverse range of students from several universities in Tokyo are residing in the dormitory, and more than half of the residents are international students.If you are interested, please click here.

Part 3: Social Contribution Activities Created by Bunmei Juku Alumni – Activities Started from Forestry
Mr. Fushimi spoke about the “Everybody’s Forest Project” of Tajima Yamagiwa, which was introduced in the previous session.This is one of the social contribution activities by the Keio FBJ Road Runners, a running team led by a graduate of Bunmei Juku, and was launched by one of the graduates of Bunmei Juku to solve a problem in the forestry business that the graduate is involved in as his family business.Although forest trees are a resource that contributes to decarbonization, the current situation in Japan’s forestry management is that “the more trees you sell, the more you lose money,” according to the team.He introduced specific activities to solve these problems.
Some of the students who attended the previous session have also joined the project, and the way the circle of activities has expanded as a result of the session must have reminded the audience of the significance of this lecture.

Participant’s Voice
Third-year student in the Department of literature
I felt that the people who spoke at this event always have a clear policy for their lives and are making efforts that make sense to them.In order to survive in society, they choose their environment by thinking about how to do things differently from others and how to increase their value and scarcity, and they realized how important it is to choose an environment and relationships that will allow them to grow.
I also realized the importance of always asking myself what my life principles and standards are.I felt that I should always have the opportunity to keep updating the standards that I have once discovered, so that I can make choices that I am satisfied with at that time.
Third-year student in the Department of Law, Faculty of Law
Three points were particularly impressive.Three points were particularly impressive.I feel that my strengths do not stand out or excel in comparison with others, even when I am job hunting.However, I have learned that it is important to multiply them.
Next, I would like to talk about my question about “how to approach others”.I learned that “sharing a vision” is important,I also learned that sometimes a kind of “giving up” is necessary, and that it is important to meet others who share the same level of enthusiasm.Since I did not have this latter perspective, I would like to consider it in the future.
Finally, I learned the technique of re-defining.By redefining the question as “globally competent human resources,” I felt that I could gain a better perspective on the question.
Third-year student in the Department of literature
What I strongly felt in today’s session was “the interest of hearing about topics outside of my own interests.I found Mr. Fushimi’s start-up “service to connect companies” and projects related to the forestry industry very interesting.
In addition, in the series of talks, the story of career multiplication was directly related to the career planning that I am currently struggling with, and I felt that I would like to master the path that I would like to pursue rather than being a victim of public opinion.
I thought it was wonderful to see the vibrant way in which the Bunmei Juku alumni have put their intellectual curiosity to better use by continuing to interact through discussion and exercise after graduation, participating in forestry projects, and even making proposals for marathon events.
Third-year student in the Department of Law
When we discussed the definition of “what is a global human resource,” Mr. Fushimi facilitated the discussion, and although the time was short, various opinions were expressed and we were able to summarize and define the discussion.He listened to our opinions, summarized the main points, suggested that we find common ground, and encouraged us to look at things in a different way.
His manner in getting around embodied the “listening skills” that I had learned in the negotiation class, and I felt that I would like to spend my future classes as a role model.
I also felt anew how difficult it is to summarize what the group talked about and convey it in two minutes.I think it was good that he presented actively, but I was looking at my notes the whole time, so I felt that next time I would like to be able to look people in the eye while speaking.